Saturday, January 13, 2007

Give me a "V"

On Wednesday, I had another MRI. Drugs for the event were provided by my local She-Neuro. I must tell you, Valium is just plain FUN!!! It made an hour and ten minutes in a tomb with a jack hammer seem almost like 15 minutes. Valium is also very entertaining.

One of my sisters called moments before hubby and I were to leave for the MRI. I was a little slow at picking up the phone so the answering machine came on as I was picking it up. Yes folks, there is a recording of me on Valium. I was laughing so uncontrollably that even I can barely understand what I was saying. I was laughing, because even on Valium I recognized how comical it was to watch me sway my way over to the telephone.

I haven't been told the results. (Of the MRI, I know the results of the Valium, LOL) I'm really not in any hurry to hear them. It's not like they will find something and then actually be able to fix it. They will just find something...

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