Friday, October 20, 2006

Disposable Children

(This isn't going to be pretty, so some of you may not want to read this.)

What is wrong with people? How can they possibly think that their children are disposable? I am not going to mention names to protect the innocent, but I am really pissed off. When you have a child, you make a commitment. You had a choice, have it or not have it! If you chose to have it, then you need to freakin' step up and be a parent. Children are not disposable. You don't get to get rid of one just because it is broken. Odds are, if its broken its because YOU broke it, so by God, you need to step up and fix it. You don't get to ship them off to someone else in their teen years just because it gets more difficult. Weren't you a miserable mouthy teenager once too? You don't get to shuffle them around from person to person like they are of no importance. You don't get to bail on this responsibility. They should lock people up for this! There should be consequences. You don't get to throw a high school student out of your home just because they turned 18. What are they supposed to do? They are not freakin' DISPOSABLE!!!

They are yours. They are your responsibility. They are learning what you teach. If you teach them of how little importance they are, they are going to feel worthless. If you teach them to bail on adult responsibilities, they are going shirk their own adult responsibilities. What kind of example are you setting and do you even care? Apparently not. I can't even imagine what it must be like to feel like no one wants you. One parent/guardian puts you off on someone else because they can't handle being a parent. Then the next parent/guardian throws you out and then you have to go back to where you weren't wanted in the first place. What kind of life is that for a child? What kind of life is this child going to have? How much self-worth is he or she ever going to feel? What is WRONG with people? You had a choice to have sex or not have sex. You had a choice to have the child or not have the child. If you are going to bring a child into this world you better make damn sure you are ready to step up and be a parent. YOU DON"T GET TO JUST GET RID OF A CHILD BECAUSE YOU DON"T FEEL LIKE PARENTING!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Adoption is a beautiful gift!!! I am thankful everyday for my adopted beautiful girls.....keepig fingers croosed for another baby in 2007!!!
Chas Abbott :o)